GPN Manifesto 2024: Prioritise Health Promotion

GPN Manifesto 2024: Prioritise Health Promotion

This year is the fifth of ten priorities for general practice nurses introduced to finalize the profession's manifesto. Pay attention to each point as they are placed one after the other accompanied by a doctor or nurse.

Staffing shortages, increased patient demand, pay and poor conditions for secondary care nurses are some of the challenges facing general practice nurses (GPNs). Nurses share actions that can be taken by practices, PCNs, the NHS as a whole, government and GPs.

We know this is just the beginning of the conversation about the challenges of general practice; Please join in and share your thoughts if you can. We will return to these important topics regularly throughout 2024.

This is the fifth point of the manifesto.

# 5 Make health promotion a priority

This point of the manifesto was defended by Julie Roy

"Through NHS England, PCN and GP practices must ensure that GPNs have the time and resources to fulfill their important role in promoting public health and preventing disease."

Julie Roy, head of primary care at East London NHS Foundation Trust and Queen's Nurse, brought together a multidisciplinary team, administrative staff and public health professionals, which led to improved cervical cancer screening among many patients.

Ms. Royer recruited more nurses, opened evening classes in response to feedback, allowed women to make appointments of their choice and text a nurse via a text link, increasing their autonomy, and ensured that texts and emails were sent in appropriate languages. including no. - Fluency in English. Speakers It also ensured the inclusion of transmen and non-binary people.

Nine months into the program, which launched in August 2022 at Coldwell Medical Center in Bedford, participation among 25-64-year-olds has increased from 52% to 80%.

Roy's efforts, which earned her a national award in 2023, demonstrate the powerful impact care can have for health promotion and disease prevention.

"Nurses are well-suited for this job," she says. "They have such a powerful voice and can make a difference in patient health outcomes. For example, they can help people with diabetes and hypertension manage their conditions by providing advice on nutrition and exercise."

"It's also very important for patients when nurses take the time to talk about how to change and improve their health."

But Mrs. Roy has a warning. "The GNP needs time and resources to ensure that health promotion and disease prevention are not neglected." And it's very important to feel "valued, cared for and appreciated," he says. “Your skills are important. You are improving outcomes and driving change for patients.

Julie Roy

Julie Roy

Do you have any discussion points on this topic? Please visit Nursing in Practice on Facebook or X to start a discussion. Please contact us at Nursing in Practice if you have an important idea for a project or article on this topic. We appreciate your thoughts.

10 points of the manifesto

Look for discussion items on and on social media as these items are introduced one after the other over the next few weeks.


The Government should ensure that GP nurses receive the same pay and conditions as their medical colleagues.


The NHS, practices, universities and other stakeholders need to change the narrative to encourage more nurses to choose general practice.


Practitioners, PCNs, the NHS and Government must do more to promote the health of our families.


Practices and practices require GPs to spend time managing patients' long-term conditions, including diabetes, asthma and COPD.


NHS England, PCNs and GPNs must give GPNs the time and resources they need to fulfill their important role in promoting public health and preventing disease.


Employers of GPNs, PCNs and nursing organizations need to support nurses in their own health and care so they can care for others.


All nurses should have time for professional development to advance their careers. NHS England, PCNs and practices should encourage and support the growing role of GPNs and ANPs in general practice.

#8 Take care of your mental health

It is important for general practice nurses to recognize fairness in respect when assessing patients' mental health needs as well as their physical health.


GPNs play an important role in halting the decline in childhood vaccination rates.


General practice must continue to evolve to better serve patients, using established digital platforms and applications to improve patient care and outcomes.

Posted by Cathy Oxtoby

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