Apple Will Launch Health Insurance In 2024, Says Analyst

Apple Will Launch Health Insurance In 2024, Says Analyst

Analysts predict that Apple will start offering health insurance in 2024 to use Apple Watch health data.

CCS Insight believes that Apple will make its first foray into the US health insurance market by partnering with a major insurer to gain a competitive advantage over previously collected medical data.

Apple already collects data like blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, ECG readings and body temperature to help people manage their medications. With connected devices, the watch and iPhone can be used to monitor conditions such as diabetes.

Analysts believe that access to such extensive information will reduce the company's advantage in the insurance market and reduce costs for consumers.

"They're well positioned to do that," said Ben Wood, principal analyst at CCS Insight. “They have a lot of personal health information through the Apple Watch. If you connect a few dots, they can become very competitive players in the health insurance industry, and this can have a significant impact on the structure of the health care market. in the U.S."

Apple Watch or a Trojan horse?

Such a move raises questions about whether Apple launched the watch with a long-term goal of tapping into the lucrative health insurance market. Wood doesn't think the watch was launched for that purpose, but Apple now sees it as a way to improve its services business.

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